Lindale Church of England
Primary School
The March Hare
The Mad Hatter
Lewis Carroll
The Gryphon
Easter Posters
Story Time
The Mountain and the Wolf
Once upon a time…
It was night-time and very cold outside with a lot of snow on the ground. My younger sister and I had spent the afternoon in the garden making the most amazing snowman.
I listened carefully and thought it had stopped when I heard it again, only this time there was more bells. Mmmmm what could that be? It sounded as though it was coming from the garden.
Oh no, so I quickly and quietly slid away from the window and snuggled down back in bed. I had been good, honest!
Next morning, I couldn’t wait to go into the garden to see the talking snowman.
There he was standing to attention as tall as we had made him and as stiff as frozen snow. No movement, no chatter just an ordinary snowman waiting for the thaw when he would dissolve back into water.